Input text boxes can be converted to SENESCHAL termsuggest widget controls by giving them the class name 'usw-seneschal-termsuggest'. The idea is to introduce progressive enhancement of existing input form controls to endow them with new vocabulary suggestion capabilities, without being intrusive on the existing work flow. Start typing into each textbox to see suggestions being returned from the thesauri, selecting any suggested term populates the text box with that term. Right click the page and select 'view source' to see how each control has been configured.
The following control will suggest terms originating from the Archaeological Sciences (EH) thesaurus (e.g. MICROSCOPY, MINERALOGY, POLLEN etc.)
The following control will suggest terms originating from the Fish Archaeological Object Types thesaurus (e.g. AXE, SWORD, COIN etc.)
The following control will suggest terms originating from the Monument Types (EH) thesaurus (e.g. HENGE, BARROW, VILLA etc.)